Dienstag, 28. April 2015

Book review: Zac & Mia by A.J. Betts

Today I’m going to give you a review of a novel I recently finished reading called “Zac & Mia” written in 2013 by A.J. Betts. It was pretty inspiring to me and that’s why I want to share my thoughts about it with you.

Let’s start with a short summary:
The novel is about Zac and Mia, two teenagers who meet in hospital. Zac is seventeen years old and suffers from Leukemia. Because of a bone marrow donation he isn’t allowed to leave his room. That’s when Mia, a totally angry girl who seems to not get along with her sufferings from cancer moves in the room next to Zac. Their special relationship starts with a knocking on the wall beneath them…

I didn’t want to give much about the content because the story really is worth reading. It shows the difficulties they have and how people treat their illness very differently: Zac always reads about statistics and seems to be happy about still being alive, Mia pretends not to have cancer and tells nobody about it. But it also deals with how an illness can change you and your whole life and that there isn’t always a happy ending.

Some chapters are written in Zac’s perspective, some in Mia’s. That’s why you can easily put yourself in their position.

What I don’t like about the book is the title. I mean “Zac and Mia” doesn’t sound very interesting. I read the German version called “Die Unwahrscheinlichkeit von Liebe” (= the improbability of love) and think that this fits much better.

The only thing I want to tell you before reading is that you should not expect a soft love story. The cancer always plays and important role in their lives and it’s not that they fall in love directly.

But that’s exactly what I liked about it. I think the author did a great job and you can see that she is very well informed about the topic.

Because of the hype of John Greens “The Fault in our Stars” I would recommend to all of you who liked this book to read “Zac and Mia” too, I think I even liked it better than Hazel and Gus’ story.

Now, go the next book store and get this fabulous novel! :)



6 Kommentare:

  1. Ich mochte TFIOS nicht, das ist ein Jugendbuch und es ist auch genau so geschrieben. Mich hat die schreibweise sehr aufgeregt, außerdem fand ich die Protagonisten ziemlich unrealistisch.
    Ich habe erstmal genug von Büchern über Krebs, vielleicht werde ich irgendwann das hier lesen und mich eventuell positiv überraschen lassen, aber definitiv nicht nach dieser Enttäuschung.

    Liebste Grüße,
    Alexandra von growing-in-self-confidence.blogspot.de

    [I did not like TFIOS, it is a book for young people and the author's writing style is just like that. Additionally I was very angry because of Hazel and Gus, they were not one bit realistic.
    I won't read books about people with cancer in the next time, maybe I will read this book later and maybe it will surprise me positively.

    Love, ]

    1. Hallo! Danke für deinen Kommentar :)
      Ich fand TFIOS ganz gut, aber so ganz wurde es meiner Meinung nach dem Hype nicht gerecht. Denke aber, dass die englische Version besser ist als die deutsche, vielleicht werde ich sie auch noch irgendwann lesen. Die Unwahrscheinlichkeit von Liebe fand ich allerding viel realistischer als TFIOS, der Umgang der Charaktere mit ihrer Krankheit ist viel wahrscheinlicher. Allgemein lese ich solche Geschichten ganz gerne weil sie meist etwas tiefgründiger sind und so. Hast du Bevor ich sterbe gelesen?
      Liebe Grüße,

  2. i think that is too much dark.........

    1. I'm sorry, what do you mean? The layout or something contentwise?

  3. Hallo...

    Das Buch kenne ich nicht. Klingt nach deiner Erfahrung aber ganz interessant.
    Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass das Leben nicht einfach ist mit einer Krankheit. So wie du es beschreibst, klingt das Buch sehr emotional.
    Mit der Überschrift gebe ich dir Recht. Dieses klingt sehr langweilig.
    Ich werde es mir aber mal näher anschauen. Danke für deinen Lesetipp.

    Liebe Grüße

    "Hello ...

    The book I do not know. Sounds like your experience, but very interesting.
    I can well imagine that life is not just a disease. The way you describe it, the book sounds very emotional.

    With the title I give you right. This sounds very boring.
    I will but look more closely to me. Thanks for posting your Lesetipp.


    1. Hallo.
      Vielen Dank!
      Ja das ist es, aber echt schön zu lesen, besonders weil es so realistisch ist. :)
      Liebe Grüße
