Montag, 6. Juli 2015


Hey ihr da,
Hoffe euch geht’s gut.
Es tut mir so leid, dass ich in den letzten Wochen nicht dazu kam, was Neues zu posten. Ich hatte so viel Stress in der Schule und gar keine Zeit. Aber jetzt habe ich alle Klausuren für dieses Halbjahr geschrieben, jetzt tritt wieder Normalität ein.
Das Wetter ist so schön geworden! Obwohl es für mich schon fast zu warm ist, hier sind es ja mehr als 33°C. (Für Deutschland schon echt warm und ich bin auch ein sehr empfindlicher Typ, rote Haare und so :D)
Ehrlich gesagt, weiß ich, dass ich nicht viel gepostet habe in den letzten Wochen und es tut mir auch echt leid. Ich erinnere mich schon selber immer daran, etwas zu posten, aber es ist halt nicht immer so einfach. Ich würde euch gerne versprechen, dass ich mehr posten werde, aber das kann ich nicht. Jetzt blogge ich, weil es mir Spaß macht und ich will nicht, dass es mich unter Druck setzt. Ich hoffe ihr versteht das. Danke!
Liebe Grüße,

P.S.: Ich habe immer noch keinen eigenen Laptop. Hat jemand von euch zufällig Ahnung von sowas, ich nämlich gar nicht und kann mir ein Notebook empfehlen? Wäre echt lieb ♥


Hey guys!
I hope that you are doing well.
I’m so sorry I didn’t write anything at all in the last weeks. School was so exhausting and I had to do learn much at home. But now I have finished writing exams, I’m so happy.
Weather is nice here in Germany. It’s even too hot, more than 33 °C. (I’m German and a redhead, I’m not used to temperatures like this :D)
Too be honest: I know that I haven’t post anything in the last weeks and I’m really sorry for this. It is on my everyday To-Do-List to write something but it’s still not that easy. I want to promise to you, that I will post more, but I can’t. Blogging is fun for me and I don’t want it to get annoying. I won’t put myself under pressure and I hope that you understand. Thanks!
Love you,
P.S.: I still don’t have an own laptop. Is there anyone out there who is really into computers and can tell me which notebook is good? Would be so nice of you ♥

Freitag, 15. Mai 2015

Blogvorstellung auf


Ich habe eine Einladung von der lieben Isa von zu ihrer Blogvorstellung bekommen. Da ich ihre Idee wirklich toll finde, habe ich gleich mitgemacht. Schaut doch mal bei ihr vorbei!

Liebe Grüße,

Hey guys,

Isa from invited me to be a part of her project called ‘Blogvorstellung’. She presents some blogs she likes on her blog. Go have a look at it if you want to find awesome (German) blogs!


I made a decision // Ich habe mich entschieden

Hey guys!

I just asked you if you’d welcome the idea of writing in German and English.

I thought about it and decided that it would be a great idea; I will write in two languages!
I hope that not just my German readers welcome this but also the English-speaking ones as a chance to learn German or prefer their language skills.

But I also have to tell you that even though I will give my best I can’t promise to you that every post will be written in two languages. Maybe there will also be some who are just written in English and others in German. I hope that you don’t mind.


Hey Leute!

Ich habe euch ja kürzlich gefragt, was ihr von der Idee haltet in Deutsch und Englisch zu bloggen.

Jetzt habe ich eine Entscheidung getroffen: Ich werde meine Beiträge zweisprachig schreiben. Ich hoffe das freut einige von euch.

Ich muss allerdings dazu sagen, dass ich zwar mein Bestes geben werde, euch aber nicht versprechen kann wirklich jeden Post in Deutsch und Englisch zu verfassen. Deshalb werden vielleicht manche Posts ganz in Englisch, andere nur in Deutsch sein. Ich hoffe ihr versteht das.

Liebe Grüße,



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Dienstag, 5. Mai 2015

News :)

Hey guys,

I just want to share my thoughts with you.

First of all I want to say sorry to you for not having posted something in the last days. It’s just the case that I have to do much for school and I don’t have an own computer (I will buy one soon, I promise to you and then there will be more posts) and above all I don’t have a Smartphone at this moment because it broke. Now I’m using my mom’s computer to write to you.

What I also want to say: A big Thank you to everyone who visited and visits my blog. It’s amazing and I could not believe that 159 people from all over the world read my posts. It may not sound much for someone who has a blog but it’s really surprising to me. In the beginning I thought that nobody would be interested in my blog. Wow!

I think you’re interested in why I started the blog and why it’s so surprising to me. Well, I haven’t told you yet. I just started it because of school (yep, again school). We are learning about media in English and our teacher wanted us to start a blog. At first I thought, well, let’s do this and delete the blog afterwards. But it turned out differently: I really like it and I don’t want to stop and forget about it. I hope that someone out there is interested in what I’m blogging about and all of you who read my first posts motivated me to keep going. Thank you!


PS: I’m thinking about writing my posts in German and English because I am German and I do have many German visitors. Do you think that this is a good Idea? 

Dienstag, 28. April 2015

Book review: Zac & Mia by A.J. Betts

Today I’m going to give you a review of a novel I recently finished reading called “Zac & Mia” written in 2013 by A.J. Betts. It was pretty inspiring to me and that’s why I want to share my thoughts about it with you.

Let’s start with a short summary:
The novel is about Zac and Mia, two teenagers who meet in hospital. Zac is seventeen years old and suffers from Leukemia. Because of a bone marrow donation he isn’t allowed to leave his room. That’s when Mia, a totally angry girl who seems to not get along with her sufferings from cancer moves in the room next to Zac. Their special relationship starts with a knocking on the wall beneath them…

I didn’t want to give much about the content because the story really is worth reading. It shows the difficulties they have and how people treat their illness very differently: Zac always reads about statistics and seems to be happy about still being alive, Mia pretends not to have cancer and tells nobody about it. But it also deals with how an illness can change you and your whole life and that there isn’t always a happy ending.

Some chapters are written in Zac’s perspective, some in Mia’s. That’s why you can easily put yourself in their position.

What I don’t like about the book is the title. I mean “Zac and Mia” doesn’t sound very interesting. I read the German version called “Die Unwahrscheinlichkeit von Liebe” (= the improbability of love) and think that this fits much better.

The only thing I want to tell you before reading is that you should not expect a soft love story. The cancer always plays and important role in their lives and it’s not that they fall in love directly.

But that’s exactly what I liked about it. I think the author did a great job and you can see that she is very well informed about the topic.

Because of the hype of John Greens “The Fault in our Stars” I would recommend to all of you who liked this book to read “Zac and Mia” too, I think I even liked it better than Hazel and Gus’ story.

Now, go the next book store and get this fabulous novel! :)



Welcome to my blog

Hey guys!  
Welcome to my blog.
Honestly I’m a bit surprised that you’re a visiting it because it’s totally new. But I’m also excited and very happy about it.
First, let me quickly introduce myself to you:My Name is Nina, I’m 17 years old and I live in Germany. 
I’m going to post everything I’m interested in and what comes up to my mind. I hope you’ll like it! 
This blog is in English because I want to improve my writing skills. That’s why it is possible to find mistakes, I’m sorry but hope that you don't mind.
Have fun and I would be happy to see you soon :)
