Freitag, 15. Mai 2015

Blogvorstellung auf


Ich habe eine Einladung von der lieben Isa von zu ihrer Blogvorstellung bekommen. Da ich ihre Idee wirklich toll finde, habe ich gleich mitgemacht. Schaut doch mal bei ihr vorbei!

Liebe Grüße,

Hey guys,

Isa from invited me to be a part of her project called ‘Blogvorstellung’. She presents some blogs she likes on her blog. Go have a look at it if you want to find awesome (German) blogs!


I made a decision // Ich habe mich entschieden

Hey guys!

I just asked you if you’d welcome the idea of writing in German and English.

I thought about it and decided that it would be a great idea; I will write in two languages!
I hope that not just my German readers welcome this but also the English-speaking ones as a chance to learn German or prefer their language skills.

But I also have to tell you that even though I will give my best I can’t promise to you that every post will be written in two languages. Maybe there will also be some who are just written in English and others in German. I hope that you don’t mind.


Hey Leute!

Ich habe euch ja kürzlich gefragt, was ihr von der Idee haltet in Deutsch und Englisch zu bloggen.

Jetzt habe ich eine Entscheidung getroffen: Ich werde meine Beiträge zweisprachig schreiben. Ich hoffe das freut einige von euch.

Ich muss allerdings dazu sagen, dass ich zwar mein Bestes geben werde, euch aber nicht versprechen kann wirklich jeden Post in Deutsch und Englisch zu verfassen. Deshalb werden vielleicht manche Posts ganz in Englisch, andere nur in Deutsch sein. Ich hoffe ihr versteht das.

Liebe Grüße,



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Dienstag, 5. Mai 2015

News :)

Hey guys,

I just want to share my thoughts with you.

First of all I want to say sorry to you for not having posted something in the last days. It’s just the case that I have to do much for school and I don’t have an own computer (I will buy one soon, I promise to you and then there will be more posts) and above all I don’t have a Smartphone at this moment because it broke. Now I’m using my mom’s computer to write to you.

What I also want to say: A big Thank you to everyone who visited and visits my blog. It’s amazing and I could not believe that 159 people from all over the world read my posts. It may not sound much for someone who has a blog but it’s really surprising to me. In the beginning I thought that nobody would be interested in my blog. Wow!

I think you’re interested in why I started the blog and why it’s so surprising to me. Well, I haven’t told you yet. I just started it because of school (yep, again school). We are learning about media in English and our teacher wanted us to start a blog. At first I thought, well, let’s do this and delete the blog afterwards. But it turned out differently: I really like it and I don’t want to stop and forget about it. I hope that someone out there is interested in what I’m blogging about and all of you who read my first posts motivated me to keep going. Thank you!


PS: I’m thinking about writing my posts in German and English because I am German and I do have many German visitors. Do you think that this is a good Idea?